Sharing Our Knowledge About Our Ancestors’ Way of Life
Primitive Lifeways invites you to join us. Our team teaches ancient technologies, archaeological practices, ethics, and nature awareness. We provide books, classes, and primitive crafts to promote the safeguarding of prehistory and cultural longevity.

Sharing Our Knowledge About Our Ancestors’ Way of Life
Primitive Lifeways invites you to join us. Our team teaches ancient technologies, archaeological practices, ethics, and nature awareness. We provide books, classes, and primitive crafts to promote the safeguarding of prehistory and cultural longevity.

What We Do
Primitive Lifeways is an archaeological resource that goes above and beyond traditional methods of research and development. Our team of instructors have spent over 15 years in experimental archaeology, primitive technologies, ancient replications, and conducting research into ancient civilizations. We use our experience and expertise to help educate the public by using hands on methods in traditional practices that are becoming lost as every day goes by. Our classes include the following:
- Basketry
- Primitive Fire Crafting
- Brush Shelters
- Prehistoric Pottery
- Archaeological Tours
- Ancient Weaponry
- Edible and Medicinal Plants
- And Much More!
What We Do
Primitive Lifeways is an archaeological resource that goes above and beyond traditional methods of research and development. Our team of instructors have spent over 15 years in experimental archaeology, primitive technologies, and conducting research into ancient civilizations. We use our experience and expertise to help educate the public by using hands on methods in traditional practices that are becoming lost as every day goes by. Our classes include the following:
- Basketry
- Primitive Fire Crafting
- Brush Shelters
- Prehistoric Pottery
- Archaeological Tours
- Ancient Weaponry
- Edible and Medicinal Plants
- And Much More!

Our Mission
Primitive Lifeways is committed to the preservation of Native American culture, languages, and the archaeological data recovered to keep the past alive. We recognize Native Americans as successful individuals who have endured and triumphed before, during, and after hard times. Furthermore, we see Native American people as artists, doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, and good stewards of wild lands.
The Goal
In 2019 the earth’s population grew to 7.7 billion people and analysts predict that number will continue to climb at a more rapid pace. With new cities being built throughout the world, our disconnection to the natural environment and archaeological resources becomes prevalent.
Our goal at Primitive Lifeways is to educate the general public about our rich history that dates back thousands of years ago. We aim to preserve and protect our natural resources while also inspiring future generations to learn about ancient civilizations whom conducted their lives in ways we are still discovering today. Primitive Lifeways strives for a healthy balance between modern scientific procedures and traditional practices that have been used by our early ancestors around the planet. With your help and kind contributions, we will continue our journey in natural preservation efforts.
Keep Up!
Stay up-to-date with our upcoming events! Follow us online or subscribe to our mailing list for more info!
Back In Stock
After a year of short supply and high demand, we have refilled our argillite supply. Follow in the footsteps of the ancient Hohokam, Sinagua, and Prescott people by incorporating this stone into your life. Enjoy carving jewelry pieces, beads, effigies, pipes, and much more with this brilliant red stone.
Our Latest Video
Primitive Lifeways creates high quality educational videos on various streaming platforms including YouTube. These videos cover topics in primitive skills, wilderness living, and archaeology. All videos are free to the public and often created in a multi-part series. We hope to inspire and educate our audience with each video that is created. If you enjoy this free content, your donations are always appreciated and help us continue to share with you.
Get in Touch With Us
With your support and dedication, Primitive Lifeways will continue to reach beyond the American Southwest to share these critical life skills. Thank you for visiting Primitive Lifeways. Contact us for more information.
Get in Touch With Us
With your support and dedication, Primitive Lifeways will continue to reach beyond the American Southwest to share these critical life skills. Thank you for visiting Primitive Lifeways. Contact us for more information.