Primitive Traps and Snares

Indigenous cultures across the planet incorporated wild game into their diet. While the bow and arrow system was used cross culturally, the application of traps and snares were heavily relied upon when small game was readily available. Small game is easier to catch and has a much higher success rate compared to hunting large animals. In this class we will take each student through the process of making different trapping systems.

This workshop will cost $55.00 per person. Click the Register Now button below. *Please register ahead of time so we know how much materials to bring**
The Finished Product
At the end of this class each student will have a detailed and hands on understanding of how different trapping systems work and opperate. Students will know what baits to use and what to avoid. Our group will learn where to set traps and how many to set for long term sustainability. Most important, each student will know how to ethically catch game.